Stop fondling the Oscar ladies.
Linda's chili cheese puffs.
Probably the best biscotti I've ever eaten. Ask Chris where to get them.
Vicki's better than good s'more shooters with a graham cracker rimmer. Delish.
And the Oscar goes to Linda for most beautiful hostess.
Linda's pink lemonade champagne punch. We drained the bowl. Of course.
Linda had sparkly swag bags of candies for us!
Seriously, what is a party without a cheese ball?
And the winner for "best dish presentation" goes to..........Chris.....or rather her tequila shrimp!
Chris accepted her gift with over the top enthusiasm!
And best dress goes to......... Linda, but she wouldn't accept as she didn't want to win her own gift.
So, next best dress goes to.......... Linda's dress - that I am wearing.
Thanks Linda!
Betty's Canadian bacon cauliflower cheddar cups by candle light!
And now a small preview of the LRL Originals hat collection.
Shauna's sexy bottle of wine.
Yes, it was sweet and juicy.
Susan's onion mushroom gorgonzola tart.
Our very pretty little Oscar attendees
Best lips on an Oscar
Best stash
Jodi's smoked salmon platter!
Thank you Linda for hosting such a fun Oscar's Party!!