Chris was our eggthusiastic hostess.
Someone get Susan a drink - quick!
Avalin was our cute little guest.
Teresa's country sausage/tomatoe/cheese quiche
Vicki's eggy spagetti.
Linda and I showed up with this same bottle of wine. What are the odds?
Chris made a delish red wine sangria.
Shauna/Ina Garten lemon angel food cake
Betty/Mario Batali prociuto & potato frattata
Judi's egg foo w/rice
Chris' crustless quiche
Susan looks a little happier now.
Fruit Juice.......
with a kick!
The best love around.
Linda's potato salad
And Linda's mini frittata crostini
Judi's got some eggs!
Susan's egg chilaquilles
A camera + drinks =

Ta Da!
Bet you didn't know we had skills.

I love my Linda
We might be a tad full.
Put the glass down Teresa - or you'll go crosseyed.
A bigs thanks to Chris for "picking" an eggcellent theme!
Don't forget to mark your calendars for June 2nd at 11:30 for our next Cooking Club. Our theme is Sunday Brunch. Jammies are a must.